
Tiziana Proietti

Tiziana Proietti NAAD master

is an architect and Ph.D. in Architectural Design. Proietti is currently Assistant Professor at the C. Gibbs College of Architecture of the University of Oklahoma. Proietti gained her doctorate at the Department of Architecture DiaP of the University of Rome Sapienza in 2013.

She conducted her PhD research in collaboration with the University of Technology TUDelft (2011-2013). Her Ph.D. dissertation investigated the theory of proportion in architecture through the work of Dutch architect and Benedictine monk Hans van der Laan and his plastic number system. Proietti is currently collaborating with the Salk Institute for Biological Studies to test some of Hans van der Laan’s hypothesis and search for a connection between cognitive science and architecture. Tiziana Proietti published several articles and books about proportion in architecture. In particular, she is author of Concinnitas. Principi estetici nell’opera di Leon Battista Alberti (Nuova Cultura, 2010) and Ordine e Proporzione. Dom Hans van der Laan e l’espressività dello spazio architettonico (Quodlibet, 2015).